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>>Information Technology at Media Center

Known for its sunny beaches and relaxed Spanish atmosphere, the Costa del Sol of southern Spain is a popular vacation spot for tourists from around the world who come looking for a good time in the sun, the sand, and the sea. A historically Catholic nation, most Spaniards are now only Catholic in name and tradition, and many don't see a need for God in their life at all. Vast areas in Spain have no evangelical witness. The need for the gospel to reach this country is great.

However, while we live, work, and do ministry in Spain, our main focus of outreach is to a neighboring closed country where 99.9% of the population lives in spiritual darkness and "changing your religion" is a punishable offense. We spread the gospel through media into limited-access countries, and in Spain, our host country, with the goal of turning hearts and minds to the truth of Christ. We do what we do so that local, national churches are started, and that the national church network is equipped to sustain that growth.

Goers in this position will join a multicultural team of missionaries and national partners in southern Spain. The media center has a large variety of small-scale IT needs. Our network includes PCs and Macs running specialized production software. Much of our network is implemented with turnkey solutions like synology, unifi, and voipstudio. We will soon need to run fiber and upgrade switches to 10gbe. We also need someone to manage our websites and domains. Much of the design is being outsourced right now but has been done in-house in the past. The large footprint of this team offers plenty of opportunity for input and creative problem solving.


Knowledge/experience with IT work

Teachable and eager to learn

Spanish language ability or desire to learn

Placement Details

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