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GoCorps 101

Tithe Your Career

What does it mean to tithe your career?  Goer alum Hannah introduces the compelling idea of tithing your career through a two-year vocational placement.  (2 min)

Put Your 'Yes' On The Table

What does being a Goer actually look like? Watch this video about Goers Nique and Brian giving God their 'yes' and how God's using their unique skill-sets and backgrounds in small business and agriculture in Nicaragua   (8 min)

GoCorps 101 

Have questions about the how and why of GoCorps? The GoCorps 101 video takes you through GoCorps step by step!  (4 min)

It all starts with a 'Yes'

Since 2009, GoCorps has helped hundreds of students move overseas as their first step after graduation.  Every day, our Goers have the opportunity to share their faith in relational ways and every day, or Goers are helping advance dozens of long-term projects through their unique skill-sets.  Besides making a difference in their local communities, Goers get an opportunity to grow by humbling themselves in a new culture and gain work experience that sets them apart in the global marketplace. 

You don't have to have it all figured out.  We specialize in walking with students who are interested enough to give God their 'yes.'  Your yes isn't your final commitment, but it's a step of faith that puts global options on the table,  trusting God with your next step!

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