Tithe Your Career
What is the best way to spend your first few years out of college? Is it diving into a job so you can begin climbing the social and wealth ladder? Is it backpacking through Europe, Asia or South America? Grad school?
These are all good options. But for many of you, there’s a different path to consider. It’s a new way of investing the first two years of your career based on the biblical concept of the tithe.
Melody: Dancing in Berlin
When Melody first moved to Berlin, she knew exactly two words of German and hadn’t traveled internationally since she was eight years old. During her time in Berlin, Melody worked with a brand-new arts ministry where she led artistic Bible studies, danced in street festivals and church services, taught an after-school dance class for kids, and used those connections and opportunities to share the love and hope of Christ! Melody went to Berlin as a Goer in 2016, and now works with GoCorps as a Coach!
Sophie: Community Health in Peru
Sophie and her husband Matt went together as Goers to Peru soon after they were married in their first year after college. After their two years in Peru, they moved back to Northern Minnesota where Sophie is working as a realtor and art agent and Matt is a contractor. They are expecting baby #1 this year and are in the process of converting a '73 Airstream and a shipping container into Airbnb's... they can't wait to share their corner of the world with visitors!
Here's our Tithe Your Career interview with Sophie...
Bekka: Teaching in East Asia
Before moving overseas with GoCorps, Bekka hated tea, couldn't handle spicy food, and had never heard of Durian (which, apparently, was the King of Fruit). That all changed within minutes of landing in Southeast Asia. Bekka tithed her career and worked at an English Language Center mentoring young adults in a cramped, wonderful, city in Southeast Asia. She had just graduated from Olivet Nazarene University with a degree in Elementary Education, and had always wanted to live overseas. Her city was an ideal place to serve. While her city had a population of over 1 million, you only…
David: Linguistics Study in the Middle East
Have you heard those miraculous stories of Muslim people coming to faith? David had heard them too, but he did not know he would see God do those amazing things live and in person. Really, He had known for a while that he wanted to go overseas to serve the Lord, but he was not totally sure how his major in Linguistics would play into that goal. But once he saw the opportunity to study Arabic in Egypt, he was ready to pack his bags. He not only studied Arabic, he became fluent and comfortable living and working with his Muslim neighbors. Today David is using that skill to work with migrant…