Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
I have spent a year in Berlin, and this year has revealed a lot about me. People talk about moving cross-culturally and how it makes all of your weaknesses and struggles come up. I think I might be living proof of that. Read more >>
A Week in the Life: Expectation vs. Reality
I could never adequately put into words what it feels and looks like to live here - it is something you would really just have to experience for yourself! Moreover, what I expect to happen in the week is quite different from the reality of what actually happens. But I'll do my best to give you an intimate glimpse into my life with... Read more >>
Come Lord Jesus, Come
Jesus, My heart, lonely, longs for you. My soul, saddened, cries for you. My mind, anxious, runs to you. My strength, feeble, fights that you Would come. Come Lord Jesus, come. Read more >>
A Suitcase Full of Questions
Uncle Ahmed* is an older Syrian-Kurdish gentleman with whom we have been walking for the last few years. As the only believer in his family, being in his late 70s, and having some intense heart medication that causes him to sleep the majority of the day, his faith truly grows in seclusion. Yet, he has one of the most beautiful faiths I have ever witnessed. Read more >>
How Goers are bringing the Gospel to one of the remotest places on the planet
How do Buddhists who live in the remotest regions of the Himalayas who have never heard the name of Jesus come to know Christ’s love? In the case of Tarn and Soriah, an alpine mushroom farmer and his wife, God used their hospitality to a Goer named Anna...
After graduating from Belhaven University in 2018, Anna decided to move from her home in the heart of the bible belt to join four other recent grads to help run a trekking tour company started by an American missionary.